Sunday, April 6, 2014


“The distance between you and success isn’t necessarily a yard – it’s an inch.  But to get that final inch is excruciating.  You have to stay committed.”
Will Smith
Reknown Actor


I’m not a mechanic, in the traditional sense, but I would guess that a person who possesses the skills to disassemble an engine – remedy the problematic functions, then return the engine to its full integrity – probably feels a strong sense of achievement when the engine turns over without the slightest hint of imperfection.  Writing brings me a similar sense of achievement.

Sharing my creations hasn’t always been a rewarding experience.  At times, I’ve felt like the only English speaking person in a foreign land.  Some of my works have been misconstrued as insulting and offensive for whatever reasons.  Some warm-hearted individuals have labeled me a wannabe thug or the worst kind of criminal, but my FFLOW continues to turn the socket wrench that remedies the problematic functions of my past.  So listen to this rhythmic rumble of an engine climbing a mountainous circumstance, and gaining momentum:

Honing this gift the Creator has given me, I think it’s important for the detractors of this platform of positivity, to know that your opinion of me is not my opinion of myself.  You may label me to be nothing more than a rusty, old 1979 Honda Civic.  No matter.  My drive for success roars like the engine of a 2014 Cadillac CTS. Na mean?

I recently had an in depth discussion with my editor about this 4th year of W2TM.  Her sense of direction has been my GPS to the ear of the masses.  She will continue to give me the green light to debate the injustice of capital punishment as if I was sitting at a dinner table – talking with my closest friends.

Because of this, I no longer try to voice my opinion.  No longer do I try to be heard.  At this stage of the game, I realize that trying is just a noble way of describing failure.  This 4th year of W2TM will exhibit my most diligent efforts of simply “doin’ it.”  Ya heard?

Seven of this year’s first 11 posts were written by some of my fellow writers who share this struggle of reproof.  These writers have come to know the sense of achievement behind the ink that breaks down the barriers of our existence.

The guest writers of 2k14 know the pride of my FFLOW (Fanatical Fist Lights Out Wordplay).  And it’s proven to be contagious.  The many hours I spend holding an ink pen has a tendency to cramp my hand, when my tool of the trade is no longer in use.  Sometimes, to the extreme of drawing my hand into the shape of a fist, a mere reminder that I’m a fanatic with the pen.  So, if I’m bearing a fist, due to writing, it’s only right that my wordplay, pack a punch that’s lights out.  Know this!

So enjoy this ride.  The maintenance on this engine is always up-to-par, because my toolbox is never closed.

Still Livin,’

Copyright © 2014 by Leroy Elwood Man

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